UMass is using an application called Catalog Navigator (part of Navigator Suite) to create and maintain the University catalogs (the Guide to Undergraduate Programs and the Graduate Bulletin) and the Majors Guide. You will be using Catalog Navigator to review and update your program’s or department’s information in one or more of these documents. (Here “department” refers to any unit that contributes to the University catalog, including but not limited to academic departments.)
Catalog Navigator stores catalog content in a highly modular form.
For the Majors Guide, the content is limited to a single page for each major and thus is stored in a single content item in Catalog Navigator.
For the Guide to Undergraduate Programs and Graduate Bulletin, the information for each department or program is located in several content items. Each content item usually corresponds to one section in the catalog’s description for your department, such as “Courses” or “The Minor.” In some cases, especially long sections may be broken up into multiple content items. You may need to edit several different content items to complete the updates needed for your department.
If you do not work in an academic department, your content items will be different, but they will still reflect this modular division of content.
The content items that you need to review and update are bundled into a request. A request is simply a way to organize a group of content items so that they can be handled together.
The process of reviewing, editing, and approving content is called workflow. You can think of workflow as a series of stations. The request gets sent to each station in turn, and each station has a specific task to perform in this process. For your updates, this process has already been started and you are coming in as a later station in the workflow. When you are done making updates to the content, you must approve the request, which sends the content to the next workflow station.
You will receive an email notification when you have work to do in Catalog Navigator. The notification will include a link to the login page for Catalog Navigator, basic instructions for processing your request, and a link to these Help pages.
To update your content you must
Continue reading this guide, or click the text of each step, above, for additional information.